How to Become a Social Media Influencer

An over the shoulder view of a person filming themselves on a smartphone using a hand-held tripod. In the screen we see that the person is smiling excitedly, and two other people are visible in the background.

Did you ever think there would come a day where “social media influencer” was an actual career path? In the early days of social media, most of us weren’t even thinking about how we could monetize our presence on these platforms. Instead, we were focused on creating content, most of the time without any real purpose in mind. But now, people are building businesses around the following they’ve built on social media. And you can do the same!

In this post, you’ll learn a few tips on how to become a social media influencer so you can begin monetizing your online presence.

How to Become a Social Media Influencer

If you’re ready to add another income stream into your life by making money as an influencer, here are some tips for getting started:

1. Choose Your Niche

If you haven’t already, it’s time to figure out what your niche is. You know, the area your content will be focused on. When you become an expert on a certain topic, people will be more inclined to trust your opinions, seeing you as an authority.

Your niche could be an online business or it could be something like fitness, fashion, beauty, or health. It’s best to pick something you’re genuinely interested in and can talk about for hours on end. After all, if you want to be a social media influencer, you’re going to be creating a lot of content on this topic so it needs to be something you’ll enjoy doing.

2. Select Your Core Platforms

Remember that you don’t need to be everywhere online. In fact, it’s just not realistic to be on every single platform. Instead, it’s better to use a couple of core platforms and do them really well. Choose mediums that resonate with you, but that you know your target audience is using as well.

Related: 3 Questions to Decide Which Social Media Platforms You Should Use

3. Optimize Your Profiles

Make sure all of your social media profiles are complete. This means you have a profile photo and a bio that describes who you are and what you do. Don’t forget to also add a link to a website if you have one. When someone is interested in following you, they’re going to check out your profile to help make their decision. Make sure it’s giving off a great first impression.

4. Know Who Your Audience Is

As a social media influencer, it helps to know who you’re targeting with your content. This way, you can better appeal to their interests and needs. Know their demographics (age, gender, location), as well as their pain points and what they’d like to see from you. This will shape your content strategy moving forward so you can more easily build the right audience.

5. Consistently Post Quality Content

You’re not going to become an influencer with an inactive account. That’s why you need to make sure you’re posting new content on a regular basis if you hope to see results. And by that I mean, more followers and engagement.

It helps to develop a content strategy so you’ll always know what to post, where to post it, and when to post it. Map out the topics you’ll cover and determine how many times per day you’ll post on each platform. For example, you might want to upload at least one Instagram Reel and one TikTok per day. However, you might post multiple Instagram Stories throughout the day.

The more you’re showing up and adding value, the easier it’ll be to build an audience of people who love what you do. It’ll also help in building the Know, Like, and Trust Factor over time.

Related: Planning Your Twitter Content Strategy

6. Embrace Becoming a Thought Leader

As an influencer, it can be easy to follow the crowd. However, what you really want to do is stand out. Don’t just copy what everyone else in your field is doing. Find ways to put your own unique spin on your content. Be willing to share your thoughts and opinions without being swayed by others. You need to be able to stand firm in your opinions if you want to be seen as a true thought leader.

7. Always Engage With Your Audience

A great social media influencer cares about their audience. You can show them you’re interested in their thoughts and opinions by starting conversations with them and by replying to their comments and direct messages. A simple act like this shows you’re listening and it’s an important element of building loyal relationships with those in your community.

8. Let Brands Know You’re Open to Collaborating

You don’t have to sit back and wait for opportunities to come to you. As a social media influencer, sometimes you need to pursue the things you want. If there’s a brand you’d really like to work with, reach out to them. Share your ideas for a potential campaign the two of you could do together. Not only does it show you’re serious, but it helps you get your name out there.

In times like this, it helps to have a media kit to provide with brands. This will share information about who you are, your brand, and your following on social media. Brands will then be able to easily see the value you bring to the table and it’ll hopefully seal the deal when they’re deciding whether or not to work with you.
