Twitter Marketing for Creatives

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Twitter is a great marketing tool. In our weekly chats, we often discuss how businesses can use Twitter to connect with and grow their audience. This week, though, we wanted to chat about how creatives can use Twitter. So we invited author and book marketing consultant, Rachel Thomson, to discuss Twitter for the creatives. Here’s a summary of our chat.

Guest: Rachel Thompson
Topic: Twitter marketing for creatives
Format: Eight questions directed at the guest. Everyone’s welcome to share.

Q1: Why should creatives promote their work on social media?

People in creative industries like publishing, writing, media, and music, should promote their work on social media because it’s a great way to grow their voice and gain broad visibility. Posting on social media regularly, and building relationships with your audience (readers, viewers, listeners, fans), are important to building a lasting brand.

For Emma, social media has been a way to share her novels with her audience, and improve sales. But it’s not all about the sales, as she added. Social media is also a good way to showcase your skills and share your personality with others. In fact, you could even say, social media is a great place for creatives to meet and make friends with other creatives.

Q2: How can creatives best utilize Twitter in their marketing plans?

Just by being on it! If you’re on a creative pursuit, social media is a good place to watch what others are doing and observe what’s working for them—for your own inspiration and to identify creatives whose style you enjoy.

As Alyx added, it’s important to know what you want to achieve from your time on social media. For most creatives, it’s about meeting new people, sharing their own work, and growing their audience. Create a plan for your goals and spend your time accordingly.

Q3: How can creatives find the right audience on Twitter?

Know what your target audience wants to hear from you. It doesn’t always have to be about a single project. Find generic topics that are related to your industry and your audience’s interests. Then, add those topics and/or hashtags to your bio so that people who visit your profile will immediately know what you talk about.

Also, make use of Twitter features like DM groups, Twitter Circles, and Communities to connect with like-minded people and share your message. If you create Lists or columns on TweetDeck, you can also delete or block certain words and phrases so you don’t hear about them on your feed. It’s an effective way to keep negative tweets out of your timeline.

As Madalyn said, look for Twitter chats and Spaces that discuss your industry and topics of interest. Join in and start contributing.

Q4: How does Twitter Spaces help creatives reach a wide audience?

There’re plenty of regular and pop-up Spaces that focus on the various creative industries. Even if you’re not up to speaking, join in and listen. Just being there in a live Space is a good way to meet new people and hear new ideas, and you can speak when you’re ready. If you’re interested in things like writing and book marketing, check out our guest’s weekly Spaces.

Joining and hosting in Spaces are both excellent ways to raise your brand awareness, as Madalyn pointed out. And she’d know, of course—she’s been hosting three Spaces every week for the last two years, and according to Madalyn, it’s done wonders for her brand reach.

Q5: What are some of the biggest marketing mistakes creatives make?

A big mistake a lot of creatives make, according to Rachel, is only following other creatives. It’s great to support fellow creatives, but you don’t want to get stuck in an echo chamber. Broaden your network by engaging with your customers and target audience.

It’s also worth mentioning that creatives tend to get a lot of comments on social media—encouraging and otherwise. Don’t feel like you have to respond to every message, especially the negative ones. You can always mute, ignore, or block trolls if it’ll give you peace of mind.

Not having a clear marketing strategy is another common mistake creatives make, according to Thiam. Make sure to incorporate your goals and activities into your daily social media marketing.

Q6: Does marketing on Twitter differ based on industry?

Possibly, but it differs more based on your goals. As we’ve said before and our guest emphasized, make sure you know what your goals are, and that they’re practical.

The foundation of Twitter and social media is the same across industries, as Madalyn said. Be consistent, share valuable content, engage genuinely, and make the most of Twitter’s features.

Q7: Is Twitter advertising worth it?

What’s worthwhile and what isn’t depends on a lot of variables. As Misbah pointed out, Twitter ads are great for building awareness and reaching new audience groups. However, if your goals aren’t aligned with those outcomes, it can get quite expensive quite quickly.

If you’ve never tried it, though, Madalyn’s advice is to give it a go. That way, you’ll know what’s involved. If it works, great, and if it doesn’t, at least you know for sure.

Q8: What are your top resources for learning more about marketing on Twitter?

Rachel’s top resources are Hootsuite, Buffer, CoSchedule, Hubspot, Social Media Examiner, and Booklinker.

Other crowd favorites included Social Media Today, ChatGPT, and the good ol’ Google search.

Well folks, that’s all from me this week. Thanks for reading through and for more great insights from our chat with Rachel, have a look at this Twitter thread. If you like this summary, you’ll love the real-time chat. Join us next Thursday at 1 pm ET for #TwitterSmarter. We also have an after-chat on Twitter Spaces at 5 pm ET. See you there!

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About me, Narmadhaa:

I write all the things—marketing stuff to pay the bills; haiku and short stories so I feel wholesome. A social media enthusiast, I hang out with the #TwitterSmarter chat crew, and am always happy to take on writing gigs.

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