The Twitter List Guide: How to Take Full Advantage of This Amazing Feature

People sit in a row checking their smartphones. Social media icons indicate numbers of followers, likes, and comments.

Want to transform the way you use Twitter? Take advantage of the many features it has to offer. And one of the best ways to do that is by curating your own custom feeds with the help of Twitter lists.

By creating Twitter lists, you can create multiple feeds that allow you to focus on the content you’re most interested in. It’s basically personalized to you! In this article, you’ll learn the benefits of creating Twitter lists. Plus, there are also smart ways to use them that will change the way you utilize the platform to help grow your business.

What is a Twitter List?

A Twitter list is a curated selection of Twitter accounts that are grouped together, often based on a common theme or interest. Twitter lists can be created by any Twitter user. And FYI, you don’t need to be a Twitter Blue subscriber to take advantage of this excellent feature.

Lists you create can be made public or private. But do note that when creating a new Twitter list, it’s made public by default. There is a box you’ll need to check if you want to make it private (for your eyes only).

Public lists are visible to anyone who views your profile. And when you add an account to your list, that user will receive a notification. Private lists are only visible to the user who created them. When accounts are added, the user will not receive a notification informing them.

The great thing about creating Twitter lists is that it’s useful for keeping your account organized. And it’s handy for monitoring conversations and news around specific topics. For example, you could create a list of industry thought leaders or a list of local news sources to stay updated on what’s happening in your professional field or where you live.

Once you have created a Twitter list, you can then view tweets from those accounts in a separate timeline. This can make it easier to keep up with specific people, companies, and topics without being overwhelmed by your main Twitter feed.

Why Create a Twitter List?

Here are a few reasons you might want to create a Twitter list of your own:

It’ll Organize Your Twitter Feeds

With the help of Twitter lists, you can group Twitter accounts by topic or interest. This helps you stay more organized rather than dealing with the noise of your “For You” and “Following” feeds. That’s especially beneficial when you’re following a large, diverse group of people. Then, you can easily find content from the accounts that are most relevant and appealing to you rather than relying on Twitter’s algorithm.

You Can Easily Monitor Conversations

If you want to monitor conversations around specific topics, a Twitter list is the way to do it. You can create a list of accounts you want to stay updated with, such as the latest news and trends in your industry. You’ll never again have to worry about an important tweet getting buried among the other accounts you follow.

It’ll Improve Engagement

Social media is all about making connections. And when scrolling through a curated list of accounts, you’ll be able to easily spot opportunities to engage with influencers or industry thought leaders. This can potentially increase your own visibility on Twitter, which is definitely a plus. After all, it’s those conversations that start forming your future relationships.

A List Offers Privacy

Do you have accounts you want to stay updated with, but you don’t want to publicly follow them? Put them all into a private Twitter list. They won’t see you’ve added them to the list, nor will anyone else. Then, you can keep track of their tweets without other users knowing a thing.

5 Smart Ways to Use Twitter Lists

Now that you know what a Twitter list is and why this feature is so beneficial, you might be wondering how you can use them. Here are some smart ideas for your next list:

1. Curate a List of Industry Thought Leaders

By creating a list of thought leaders within your industry, you’ll easily keep up-to-date with the latest trends and news in your field. This is great for generating ideas to fill your content calendar with. It also helps you spot new opportunities to reply and engage with those individuals, which could bring more visibility to your account.

2. Create a List of Customers

Another smart move would be to create a Twitter list of past and present customers. Just be sure to make it a private list (for your eyes only). This will allow you to keep track of their tweets, which can be helpful for learning more about them. You might find something that could influence your future content or offerings. It also encourages you to continue nurturing those relationships.

Alternatively, you could create a private list of prospective customers that you’d like to learn more about and connect with. This will help you to build a deeper relationship with them and who knows, it could lead to huge opportunities.

3. Monitor the Competition

If you want to keep an eye on what your competitors are doing, add them all to a private Twitter list. It’ll help you identify new marketing opportunities and can assist in staying on top of industry trends. You’ll also be able to see how their audience is responding to certain content, which could shape what you’re posting moving forward.

4. Follow Breaking News Sources

Want to stay updated with what’s going on locally, around the nation, or around the globe? You can add your favorite news sources to a Twitter list so you’ll never miss breaking news. This can include both news outlets and journalists that cover your area of interest. Then, you can check the list throughout the day to see what’s happening. I do this to help me stay on top of the latest social media news, especially breaking Twitter news. Since Elon’s purchase of the platform, there is always something new to report.

5. Create a List of Influencers

Influencer marketing is all the rage these days, so it’s worth keeping track of influencers you’ve worked with or want to work with. You’ll be able to easily scope out their content to determine if they’d be a good fit for future campaigns. It also serves as a reminder to start conversations with them by replying to some of their tweets. It will help you get their radar so you can build and nurture lasting relationships.
