11 Tips to Make Your Twitter Profile Stand Out

twitter profile

When was the last time you gave your Twitter profile a bit of a refresh?

Odds are, it’s probably been a while! But if you want to ensure you’re attracting the right people and getting them to click that “Follow” button, you need to keep things updated.

And there’s no time like the present to make sure your profile stands out from the crowd!

11 Tips to Make Your Twitter Profile Stand Out

How exactly do you make that happen? To create a Twitter profile that people will truly love, there are 11 things you can do. And you can start working on them today!

1. Keep Your Audience in Mind to Attract the Right People

On social media, you want to make sure the right people are following you. You know, the ones who are actually in your target audience! And to do that, it’s important that you consider them as you fill out your profile.

Everything from your bio, your header image, and the tweets you share should be crafted with your audience in mind. This way, they’ll come across your profile and resonate with what you have to offer. And they’ll actually want to follow you! As you make any of the updates shared in this post, consider what would appeal to them.

2. Make Sure Your Bio Clearly States What You’re All About

When someone visits your profile for the first time, this is one thing they’re sure to check. So, the question is… Does your bio do your brand justice? Even though you have a limited number of characters to work with, it’s still plenty of room to make an impact!

Make Sure Your Bio Clearly States What You’re All About

A great bio for your Twitter profile tells people what you do, shows a little personality, and also includes relevant keywords so you’ll show up in search results. And it’s very important that people are actually discovering your account. It’s one way to gain new followers! Oh, and don’t forget the always important call to action!

But if you need a little inspiration to get an amazing bio written, check out this post from my friends at Hootsuite. It features 30 Twitter bios from a variety of brands so you can get those creative juices flowing.

twitter bio

Another example is Julia McCoy’s bio. She shares personal details, accomplishments, as well as what’s coming up for her brand in the near future.

3. Create a Header Image That Grabs Attention & Educates

When crafting a header image for your profile, it needs to do more than just look good. It should tell a story about your brand and what you’re all about. What does your brand stand for? What is your big mission? Who are you aiming to help with your content? You can incorporate this kind of information into your header image.

twitter header

You can even change it up based on a particular campaign you’re currently running. If you have a product or service you’re currently promoting, make that the focus of your header to generate more sales. You can even choose to direct people to a link in your bio to join your email list.

And the best part? You don’t have to be a Photoshop pro to make an eye-catching, informative header image. Canva is perfect for this and offers plenty of great templates to get you started!

4. Pin Your Best Tweet to the Top of Your Twitter Profile

Your pinned tweet is one space you definitely don’t want to forget about! It’s valuable real estate that can easily share some of your best content. Personally, I use my pinned tweet to showcase my latest blog post. This way, it appeals to my target audience since I’m providing them with valuable content. But it also drives traffic back to my site.

The pinned tweet is also a great place to share your latest offering, whether it’s a course, an ebook, a service, or something else. If you want to generate more email sign-ups, include a link to your opt-in freebie. The options are endless and you can easily change it up at any time!

pinned tweet

Social Media Examiner opted to pin a tweet about their upcoming conference to gain awareness and boost registration.

5. Be Consistent When Posting to Keep Your Account Active

The biggest turn-off when someone stumbles upon your Twitter profile? Seeing that you haven’t posted in days, weeks, or worse… Months! In order to steadily build your community on the platform (and keep those you’ve got), it’s important that you keep your account active by posting regularly.

According to this post from CoSchedule, the sweet spot to aim for is 15 tweets per day. However, you don’t have to feel pressured to meet that goal. The important thing is that you’re sharing a few posts to brings some attention your way. And just make sure you have a third party scheduling tool to help you out! (Check out my recommendations here.)

6. Do Your Hashtag Research to Boost Chances of Being Seen

One of the best ways to ensure your Twitter profile stands out is by using the right hashtags in your tweets. This way, whenever someone searches a specific hashtag, your post will show up. It increases the odds of being discovered and can boost engagement as well.

But the key is to use relevant hashtags! You want to make sure your hashtags are relevant to the tweet’s content, while also being something your target audience is actually going to search. Otherwise, what’s the point? (See my example above.)

Brainstorm some hashtag ideas and search them on Twitter to see if they’re actually being used. Popularity is important! From there, it helps to make a list of the top hashtags for your industry so you can easily refer to it and add them to your tweets when needed.

7. Post at Ideal Times to Increase Engagement

Another smart way to get noticed is by posting your tweets at optimal times. Tweets only have a short lifespan, so it’s crucial that you’re sharing content when your audience is most active. According to SproutSocial, Tuesday and Wednesday are the best days to post on the platform, while Wednesday at 9 AM and Friday at 9 AM are the best specific times.

twitter media studio

If you have Twitter’s Media Studio, there is a new “Insights” tab where you can view when your audience is the most engaged. The chart highlights the best days and times for you to post. In the screenshot above, you can see when my audience is most active.

Experiment with your posting schedule and see what works for you. It helps to spread posts to go out at various times of the day so you can reach a wider audience, which is likely based across multiple time zones.

8. Incorporate More Video Content Into Your Tweets

If you haven’t already noticed, I’m a big fan of sharing video content on Twitter. I feel like this is still something other brands aren’t doing quite as often, which makes it a great opportunity to take advantage of. And it’s sure to make your Twitter profile stand out when someone scrolls through their busy feed.

But what if you have no idea what kinds of video you should be sharing? Well, I have eight Twitter video ideas you can start filming right now. And once you’ve filmed a great video to post, you can use the Twitter Media Studio to add metadata, upload captions, and schedule your post to be shared at an optimal time.

9. Make an Effort to Engage More Often to Build Relationships

Now that your Twitter account is filled with high-quality, relevant tweets… You need to make sure you’re also taking the time to engage with others. Reply to their tweets, ask questions to encourage people to reply to you, and seek out new conversations to join! I have a post all about generating more conversations on Twitter. The tips in that post are sure to help boost your engagement so you can build strong relationships with your target audience.

10. Don’t be Afraid to Experiment With New Ideas

Jumping onboard with Twitter trends can certainly pay off, but don’t feel like you always have to go with the crowd. The best way to get your Twitter profile noticed is to experiment and try something different. This way, you’ll stand out when everyone else is doing the same old thing. So, don’t be afraid to test out those big ideas. If they work, fantastic! If not, just keep trying.

11. And of Course, Show Off Your Personality

Your Twitter profile is a place for you to have fun and show people what you’re really like. After all, there’s no reason to hide your true self! Let your voice shine through in the copy you write, express yourself with the graphics and images you share, and have fun whenever you share video content. Or if you really want to take it to the next level, create custom GIFs like I have (as seen above).